Monday, March 3, 2014

The ¨Jilted Lover¨

Well, I got an open letter from #KAKSAV707 (below) , #savannah. I'm sorry Keith that Bob has not been truthful with you. Bob is a pathological liar. It's really quite easy to tell if he is lying, he becomes very fidgety, he cannot make direct eye contact, he will look away quickly when you ask him a direct question because he is going to lie. If pressured he will become angry, violent and enraged. The only way anyone will ever get the truth out of Bob Hunt is sodium pentothal.

Bob harmed a lot of people.  He lied to a lot of people. He did awful, unthinkable things to people.  When Bob's lies and deeds finally began to unravel he went looking on twitter, Facebook and in gay chatrooms, as he had done before, for someone to take him.  He found Keith. Keith was not the only one. When people sense there is something wrong with the things they are being told they start to try and verify what someone is telling them.  That happened to me and it was confirmed for me what Bob was doing.  I even called him on it, I had seen the behavior before in 2008.  So, when I found the video's of Bob masterbating and the people he was sending them to, and had people tell me what he was doing I knew what was up.

The summer of 2012 had been very difficult with Bob.  He went on crusades against Indiana Workforce Development and Ivy Tech Community College.  He was offended when given advice from an instructor that he needed to tone it down.  That advice was on target if he wanted to get the job he wanted.  And any gay man who works for Indiana University Health (I know many in many departments) would have given Bob the same advice.  But instead of handling it in stride it became his only focus.  His actions cost him a position in the department he wanted, he didn't know at the time that the department head is a gay man!

It became so bad and so volatile that Bob was eventually banned from setting foot on the campus of Ivy tech Community College in Indianapolis or anywhere in the state.  He would boast about being met by security and having a special parking spot when he went for interviews with administrators, ¨they know I mean business¨ he'd say. They were scared to death of him, they knew he was volatile and explosive.

Bob's behavior extended to The Indiana Department of Workforce Development.  He was in a program that had to be applied for to receive professional services.  Bob showed himself early on and was cautioned by one of the counselors. Again, instead of heeding the advice, Bob just said it was everyone else and went on his way.  Well in the end, sometime in August 2012 Bob got a call from Gina Stanley, Director of Professional Services for The Indiana Department of Workforce Development and EmployIndy, he was, politely told there was nothing more they could do for him.  He was also told, politely, not to plan any visits to their offices.  Again, people were scared of him.  He was exhibiting volatile, aggressive, potentially dangerous behavior.  Previously this had been reserved for me, now it was spilling over.

After Bob left I received amazing support from all of these people.  They had seen it in action, they had seen my anxiety and the chaos Bob could cause.

When good people are conned, when good people with good intentions offer you their help and support you don't treat them like they don't matter.  Bob has a long history of just that. He is around as long as he is getting what he wants, but when that stops he moves on and never looks back leaving a trail of wreckage and distrust.

When people see the narcissistic plastering of pictures and posts by people who have hurt, caused pain,  used financially, stolen from and on and on, they become indignant. You see, it is not alright to hurt people, it is not alright to hurt animals and it's not alright to walk around exhibiting a theatrical spectacle when you have played with people and harmed them financially.  It is false reality, it screams psychosis.

As for being a ¨jilted lover.¨ No, far from a ¨jilted lover¨, that term implies brevity and no interconnectedness financially or emotionally.  You see, when you have been drained of everything, your salary funneled from a joint bank account to a secret account set up by the partner you trusted, your personal, very sentimental, possessions stolen and pawned by the partner you trusted, when you have stood by indiscretion after indescretion was committed, when you have stayed because you felt you had to because you  never abandon someone you love, despite their faults, being in trouble, then it is more than being a ¨jilted lover.¨ I made a commitment to Bob many years ago.  That commitment was consistent with my values of being in a relationship for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do us part.  The problem was Bob never made that commitment.  Truthfully, Bob will never make that commitment to anyone, not on a marital level, not on a casual level, not on a business level. He is incapable of commitment of any kind.

Bob's love is very conditional.  He loves you as long as you are doing for him. If love requires him to give of himself in any way the he pulls his love away.  Eventually, anyone involved with Bob will experience that fully.

My hope over many years was that Bob would change.  There were glimmers of him doing that but it never stuck for very long, still I clung to the hope of his someday having an epiphany.  It never came, it just got worse.

There is that small hope that people, including me, will be able to recover what has been lost.  But the hope is small and it will probably never happen.  That is really the sad thing, before I die (and I am dying) I would love nothing more than to see Bob ¨get it¨ to have an awakening, but he won't.

Keith, you don not have the history bob and I have, you really have no history. So for you to even attempt to speak to the pain that has been caused is really nothing more than grandiosity.  

Bob's reality has been authored and created by Bob.  He is responsible for all that he is, in his eyes and in the eyes of others.  The problem is Bob, in his eyes and others eyes, is not responsible for anything.

Open Letter to @OutingTheBadGay (Russ Andrews of Indianapolis, IN),

You do not KNOW me to be posting such hatred on your Twitter account and Surviving Bob blogspot.
You have so many errors in your posts about me. Let me clear some of them up for you.
I did NOT start communicating with Bob until he moved to Monroe, Georgia. I didn't even know of him while he was in Indiana with you. So no, I am NOT the reason he left you. You did that all on your own.
You put it out here that he abused you for 23 years. Well, I heard it was the other way around, that YOU were the abuser. And since I wasn't there, NOR any of your audience.... then that's a null subject. NO ONE KNOWS WHAT WENT ON IN YOUR LIFE WITH BOB EXCEPT YOU TWO. SO STOP PLAYING THE VICTIM.
Sociopath: You use this term to describe Bob on an hourly basis. The definition of sociopath that you share so often DESCRIBES YOU. One of those traits being building websites to trash talk another person. YOU ARE GUILTY OF THIS. Your OutiingTheBadGay Twitter and your poorly written blog are nothing about "self-healing" as you state. They are nothing but hateful diatribe against the love of your life that left you and moved on. YOU ARE THE SOCIOPATH HERE.
Get your own identity. If any of your audience reads your Twitter Bio, they will see that the first words to describe you are "The Ex of Bob Hunt." That's pathetic.
And you claim to not be stalking us. Well, YOU ARE STALKING US. Anyone that spends hours digging through our Facebook and Twitter accounts just so you can steal our pictures to repost with nasty comments.... YES, THAT'S STALKING. 
YOU ARE OBSESSED with trying to destroy us. You are a very mentally and emotionally unhealthy person.
Paganism: Yes, I am Pagan. This should not be such an issue to you. I am not the only one you know that is Pagan. Why is it alright for them to be, but it's "the devil's work" when I am? Double Standard much? My side of Paganism doesn't deal with a "Devil" or "Heaven / Hell." 
My arrest: You dug enough on me to see that I was arrested in Charlotte for domestic violence. I don't hide that. It was self defense. If you did enough digging, you would see that the person I "abused" was arrested a year and a half earlier for an actual felony (strangulation) against me. Yes, I did serve probation and attended six months of weekly Anger Management classes. And boy oh boy, did I learn. A LOT. I learned that I indeed was not perfect, and not always right. Much to my dismay! But i learned! I learned how to be alerted to my 'triggers" and how to RESPOND and not REACT. I learned a LOT. You cannot belittle me and take that away from me.
Supposedly, you have someone new in your life. Just think of the JOY you could have concentrating on him. Everyone deserves love. Including YOU. Focus on this new person. He deserves it, and so do you. You really do.
Yes, i am a songwriter. And yes, I am a published songwriter. No, probably nothing you have ever heard. But that's okay! I keep trying. 
I am a good person. I have a past that's not so glowing. We all do.
There is NO REASON for you to attack us like you are. All I see is a jilted lover / crazy ex that needs to move on. Hopefully your audience sees beyond this facade of "public service." It's hate. That's all it is.